BUCHI Set of Verification Substances for Melting Point Apparatus
For use with Melting Point apparatus. Set of verification substances
BUCHI V-850 and V-855 Vacuum Controllers
Universal units for the display, adjustment and control of all vacuum systems V-855 for R-21X & V-7X0 (100V-230V) excl. 047235 Incl. support, communication cable
BUCHI Glass Vapor Ducts with Combi-Clip
Replacement vapor duct tubes for Buchi™ rotary evaporators. Vapour Duct V/C + Clip 29,2/32
BUCHI Receiving Flasks for Rotary Evaporators
Use these receiving flasks with any rotary evaporator. Buchi™ Spherical Receiving Flasks offer high chemical resistance against acids, alkalis and organic substances. Ideal for collecting condensed solvents. Receiving Flask 500 Ml
X12 Ns-Clamps
BUCHI Sher Indicator
BUCHI Distillation Spiders for Five-Flask Distillations
Process up to 5 samples in a single parallel evaporation process Spider Evaporator 50 Ml
BUCHI Small Collection Vessel
Small product collection vial for high-perf. cyclone
BUCHI Rotavapor™ R-100 Rotary Evaporator System
Meet the essential needs of classical laboratory applications with this rotary evaporator. Buchi™ Rotavapor™ R-100 Rotary Evaporator Systems are bundled with the Vacuum Pump V-100, regulated by the Interface I-100 and optionally include the Recirculating Chiller F-100 or F-105. Rotavapor R-100,glass assembly V package+chiller
Seal for probe
BUCHI Vertical Condensers
R-3 V-Condenser complete
BUCHI Rotavapor O-Rings FPM
O-ring FPM, for cap nut GL10, Ø3.00/2.70mm O-Ring 2,7*3Mm
BUCHI Glass Bulb Tube Set with 4 Balls
Ball Tube with 4 Balls of 10ml, working volume 5ml
BUCHI Heating Bath Top Cover
Top cover for B-491
BUCHI Diagonal Condenser
Diagonal condenser for glass assembly A with P+G 05
BUCHI Support Rotavapor
Holder for Valve unit 05
BUCHI Insert Spring
Insert Spring
BUCHI Screw Cuppling Set
Screw Cuppling Set
BUCHI Glass Bulb Tube Set with 3 Balls
Ball Tube with 3 Balls of 20ml
BUCHI Sepacore Glass Frit Set
X3 Glassfrits
BUCHI Rotavapor Vacuum Gasket KD-26
Vacuum gasket KD 26 Vacuum Gasket Kd 26
BUCHI Evaporating Flasks for Rotary Evaporators
Use these evaporating flasks with any rotary evaporator. Buchi™ Evaporating Flasks offer high chemical resistance against acids, alkalis and organic substances. Ideal for the distillation of solvents. Evapor.Flask 3000Ml 29/32
BUCHI Combi-clip
BUCHI Flask Seals for Evaporators
Evaporation flask seal, complete
BUCHI Shut-off Tap
Shut-off tap
BUCHI Rotavapor fill tube
To introduce solvent into evaporating flask during distillation. Ptfe-Hose 4,7X330mm
BUCHI Evaporating Flask and Accessories
Flasks made of borosilicate 3.3 glass which is resistant to chemicals and temperature changes of 180°C Flask ring made of non-sliding silicone
BUCHI Stainless Steel Two-fluid Nozzle
Nozzle, complete
BUCHI Freeze Drying Accessories
Freeze drying accessory
BUCHI Paper Roll for M-560 Melting Point Apparatus
For use with M-560 Melting Point Apparatus. Paper roll for printer IDP460 Star Printer SP512

Manufacturers of the worlds leading brand of Rotary evaporators.
For over 50 years, BUCHI has been known as the inventor of the Rotavapor®, the world's market leading product in evaporation technology, and the innovator of many other laboratory instruments based upon Evaporation and Vacuum technologies.
The Buchi range covers all you evaporation needs, ranging from high end to entry level evaporators.
A good example of this is the R-3 entry level rotary evaporator. This latest addition to the range maintains the Buchi quality you would expect but at a competitive price