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1-Butanol, 99.9%, Honeywell™

Product Code. 15615800
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100 mL
1 L
2.5 L
20 L
4 x 2.5 L
6 x 1 L
Aluminum bottle
Glass Bottle
Stainless Steel Can
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This item is not returnable. View return policy


  • We are your supplier of high-quality lab reagents and chemicals for analytical and chemistry laboratories:
    Solvents – ACS specific use (HPLC), ACS general use, solvents for histology, and reagent grade for chemical synthesis and other industrial applications.
    Inorganics – Chemical synthesis and inorganic chemistry including essential acids and bases, salts, metals and elements, and reagents for chemical reactions.

Chemische Identifikatoren

CAS 71-36-3
Molecular Formula C4H10O
MDL Number MFCD00002964
IUPAC Name butan-1-ol


Melting Point -78°C
Appearance Colorless liquid
Density 0.81g/mL at 25°C
Boiling Point 101°C to 105°C
Quantity 100 mL
Explosion Limit 11.2%
Ignition Point 649°C
Packaging Glass Bottle
Linear Formula CH3(CH2)3OH
UN Number UN1120
Molecular Weight (g/mol) 74.12
Formula Weight 74.12g/mol
Percent Purity 99%
Chemical Name or Material 74.12g/mol
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